Meet our Teacher Trainers:

Usha Buddhahall - (Founder, Director at Buddha Hall Holistic Healing & Teaching Center)

Usha Buddhahall l is a legendary spiritual teacher and a healer who serves as an ambassador of our soul bodies to the supreme powers of this Universe. Usha Buddhahall is at the forefront of the intellectual revolution to promote 'Yin Empowerment' to unleash creative and amorous feminine energy. She conducts holistic healing workshops in India and around the globe. Usha Buddhahall is the Director and Founder of the Buddha Hall holistic healing & teaching centre in Dharamshala India. She is a unique combination of eastern spiritual wisdom and western therapeutic knowledge. Usha Buddhahall completed her post-graduation in alternative medicine and naturopathy and energetic mastery. Many Masters initiated her into spirituality & holistic healing & teaching, she also learned ancient Vedic healing from her father-in-law, a well-known spiritual writer. She is a leading teacher of Traditional Usui Reiki training, Ancient Vedic Healing, Self-empowerment program, Crystal Healing, Chakra Healing, Tarot & Numerology Reading, Meditation, and Yoga, she is also a certified clinical hypnotherapist–past life therapist and counsellor, Usha Buddhahall shares teachings to uplift and empower others to empower their lives as she has her own. Teaching from personal life experience, Usha Buddhahall guides people in awakening and living from the highest potential inherent within them. Through the personal session, group teachings in seminars, retreats, tours and all her work.